Saturday, October 20, 2007

Dumbledore is gay? "Magic"/The Bucks and WWIII

It seems this is how Rowling answered a question about Dumbledore's love life.
Kind of lame, if you ask me. I'm reading LOR now. So, is Bilbo gay too?
I just thought that was a weird answer.

Second, I got the new Springsteen CD, "Magic". It is quite good. He is with E Street Band, and they use a lot of the old sound, big sax, lots of good keyboard, and guitar work.

Buckeyes are still number one...good game today, against Michigan St. The game was not as close as the score, I don't care what the commentators say.

George Bush says if Iran gets a nuke, we'll have WW III...sounds awfully pretrib to me.
I hope he has not been conducting foreign policy according to some vague, controversial theology!


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