Thursday, May 21, 2009

I was afraid this would happen....

There were two speeches today. One by President Obama, and the other by former Vice President Cheney. I didn't like either one. Cheney twisted facts, and utilized half truths to defend his actions while Vice President in respect to torcher. The fact that we resorted to torcher in this country has always bothered me. It (water boarding) is illegal by our own law, and is also by international treaty.

What bothered me worse...much worse...was President Obama stating that he will continue to suspend habeas corpus in certain circumstances. If we are willing to detain, and imprison anyone suspected of terrorism, what stops us from expanding that application?

What if some Christians got nutty, and violent...and were determined to be a treat to national security. What if after that you, or I...those of us who are level headed followers of Christ happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time...detained, and imprisoned indefinitely...

Obama campaigned on reversing this suspension of civil rights. Now he makes an about face (after 4 short months in office!). Add that he is a more slick communicator that former President Bush; possibly resulting in people ignoring what he is doing.

I was afraid this would happen. Politicians hate to give up power once they have it. This time it is dangerous....and it sucks...This takes the shine off this President for me...I'll complain to my congressman, and Senators, but they support this executive, any suggestions?


Anonymous CharlieIII said...

I expect Fascism from the Republicans, but now a Democratic president is willing to suspend liberty for security - no where really to turn - reminds me of "Tin soldiers and Nixons coming, we're finally on our own..." Just a song that came into my head after reading your post.

11:26 PM  
Blogger The Ponderer said...

If some "Christians got nutty and violent" then they would not be walking the talk of their God. If we were mistreated for their behavior and because we are Chrisian we would be called upon by God to suffer so as to bring glory to the name above all names.

The problem with those who brought the battle to us is they believe they acheive their immortality by killing those they consider to be infidels and themselves in the process.

True Christians want to live and love and bring others to a fruitful life here so that we can live forever.

9:35 AM  
Blogger The Ponderer said...

If some "Christians got nutty and violent" then they would not be walking the talk of their God. If we were mistreated for their behavior and because we are Chrisian we would be called upon by God to suffer so as to bring glory to the name above all names.

The problem with those who brought the battle to us is they believe they acheive their immortality by killing those they consider to be infidels and themselves in the process.

True Christians want to live and love and bring others to a fruitful life here so that we can live forever.

9:35 AM  
Blogger Jim said...

Some Christians have gotten violent...murdering abortion docs...and yes they are out of God's will. I agree with everything you say here...however, this is still a slippery slope. I could have used any "bad enough" to warrant suspending civil rights, I just chose "Christians behaving badly" since I'm a Christian myself...(I don't behave badly though :-)in the crimminal sense, by God's standard; however, I fail...(ok, no more rambling)
My dad brought up the enemy combatant issue...I agree with him as well. If these guys were out there shooting at US troops, they don't have Constitutional's complicated, (and serious); we need to be careful. As Christians we understand people are prone to evil, and power grabs. We should be careful when rights to trial, etc are refused...that's all.

12:53 PM  

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