Saturday, January 13, 2007

The basic problem in the world is....

And the answer is forgiveness. There are other problems. In fact isolation, like The Pentagons New Map asserts is a problem that is unrelated in many (not all) ways to contempt, so I am not disagreeing with Dr. Bennett. Contempt is solved by forgiveness. It is the root cause of most, if not all problems. Dallas Willard discusses this in "The Divine Conspiracy" (another Sean book recommend/is there a pattern here?)
It is an intensely personal thing, as well as a corporate one. Children; which includes all of us, need to forgive our parents for not being the perfect superheros we hoped they would be (as well as for their sins). We need to forgive spouses, and friends, and even strangers. We all need copious amounts of mercy. And we need to give it.


Blogger Sean Meade said...

contempt and forgiveness as the key: works for me.

wow, do i need to forgive and forget and let go more. i have such a contemptuous, resentful personality.

8:08 PM  

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