Thursday, October 19, 2006

I'm losing my kids!

So, I am a little bummed. My faithful friend, the dog, is at my side trying to get my attention to take her for a walk. But I miss my kids. They are always busy now, and almost always gone. It is fall break. We tried to get a family thing going but it fell through. Luke has been recording with his band all day. I can get a copy of the demo for a buck. Jenny has been gone all day with friends and so has Max. He even plans to sleep over. Yea, I've spent some nice time w/Sydney. She is the best, and is my soul mate. But I miss the kids. I know this will only progress. They are growing up. I guess I need to grow up a little myself.


Blogger Lisa said...

you have my deepest empathy.

10:49 PM  
Blogger Charlie, Laura, Vanessa, and Ryan said...

I hear you, Jim. People ask us if it's really hard having Vanessa in another city, and we have to tell them that it's basically no different than it was for the past two years! Actually, the times that we ARE together are even better now because it's more focused.

Do you have regular, 1-on-1 "hang out" times with them? We've found that to be really helpful - head to where they like to go (coffee shop, the park) for an hour each week.

6:33 AM  
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