Saturday, August 23, 2008

Christian Vote

I think I understand the Christian political mentality, because I have been there. More often than not our political views are fear driven. Fear of the end of the world, fear of questioning our Christian leaders positions on abortion, stem cell research, human cloning, gay civil rights, and other highly emotional issues. Could someone be using us? (I know, I know, most politicians are using us at some level...but not in Jesus name.)

Several years ago I started to ask "why" the fear mongering? God is love, love drives out drives out fear. Sounds logical, don't you think? Seeing things through Gods perspective should eliminate, not promote fear. Many Christian political leaders promote fear so that they can advance their own political agenda. Does the everyday Christian on the street understand what that agenda is? We may find at the end of the day that it is not "Christian" at all.

God makes room for all of us. The far right agenda divides us. For example, they ask...when does conception occur? We let the Bible be a final authority on issues like that. (Well, it does not answer the question.) You have to jump hoops to a pagan religion where parents were sacrificing their children to Moloch. That is nowhere near Roe v Wade. So maybe we should ask a different question. Like how does the Bible does define life? It answers that question. "Life is in the blood", and "life is in the breath". That would indicate our current law is way to liberal. But God gives us room to talk and not label the opposition as "murderers". Don't demonize me for posting that. I can give you book and verse. (Duet 12:23, and Gen 2:7) And someone else will say Obama supports all abortion. OK, if that is the case, I disagree with him. There are other issues where I do agree with him that are also important.

Maybe the best question a Christian could ask a Presidential candidate is what is Christianity, or what is a Christian? If you watched the Christian Forum the other night Obama answered that question much more accurately (faith in Jesus death for the forgiveness of our sins) than McCain (who just talked about his experience as a POW). But the right is still refusing to vote for Obama. Fear is the reason, I know, I've been there.


Blogger Jim said...

I was hoping this would import to my Facebook page, where it might actually get seen...but it got screwed, grrr. Does anyone know how to import these after the fact? Facebook, frustrating as always...a good idea, but quirky.

10:44 PM  

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