Sunday, August 31, 2008

God's Judgement??

Did you know a group associated with Focus on the Family (which started out as great organization, but has become ravenously political, even to the point of having groups call for them to loose tax exempt status) asked Christians all over the US to pray for rain on Barrack Obama's Democratic nomination acceptance speech since it was out doors? (Would Jesus do that?) Now, they did pull the ad, however, I imagined they prayed that way...I wonder what they make of the fact that there was not a cloud in the sky that day? Is that God's blessing on Barrack? Could it be!

Now, the Republican Convention has to cancel the first day of their convention because of Hurricane Gustav...not that it's in the town where they are meeting, but it will affect them. I don't buy this theology myself. It gives itself to too much tea leaf reading. I suspect that will be the case this time too. So how will they read them? The tea leaves, that is...funny, really...except...

These guys will pronounce God's judgment on anyone (like me) who questions them. I have heard them myself preach that "whoever questions God's anointed (them, usually) will not prosper" (kind of a broad term there, "prosper")...Many Christians fear them. They should all read I Thess 5:19-22, esp. vs 21.

One more thing...where we worship they do not participate in this nonsense, rather they preach God's love, and our mandate to participate in demonstrating that love (which includes the gospel, yes).

Let's pray for more fellowships to be like that.


Blogger Sean Meade said...

Dobson is operating under the delusion that god has called him to be a pundit, advocating for America's families. wrong, wrong, wrong.

11:19 AM  

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