Friday, November 07, 2008

It's all good, right? This boring, but I'll post it anyway.

When my son (Luke) was five years old, during his bed time prayers one time he said, "Dad, pray that my dresser moves from that side of the room to the other side of the room."
"Why on earth would I want to do that?" I said.
"Jesus said, if we have a tiny bit of faith, we could tell a mountain to fall in the sea, and it will you pray that about my dresser?"
"Maybe Jesus meant something else when He said that." I fumbled around with concepts like "metaphor", which mean nothing to a five year old. Luke finally concluded, "We don't have faith, do we dad." Wow.
I was humbled. I have always remembered that conversation. He was right, we don't have faith. Or rather we (I) don't have the kind of, or level of faith that I wish I had. (Much smaller than a mustard seed, I suppose.)
Jesus gave that example in response to a request, "Lord, increase our faith!" The context is Jesus teaching His followers to be completely forgiving! It's Luke 17, I think; and is an incredibly rich piece of scripture. He followed up His example of faith with two practical applications. To first, obey Him, learning to take Him at His word. And second, to cultivate an attitude of unworthiness in our relationship with Him. There is much more there, but that's most of what I get out of it...
Bible study is now dismissed... :-)
I promise not to turn this blog into a Bible commentary...I actually have a point here...but what was it? Hmmm...have you quit reading yet? :-)
Here's my point.........
I may not have faith. (When I say that, I don't mean I have some kind of atheistic mind set. I just mean compared to the kind of faith I think I should have I am quite pathetic...I also think God sees most of us like that...and He is merciful anyhow.)
When I am pressed/stressed etc. I quickly demonstrate the truth of my small faith. However, even though I don't have faith, I need faith...if you are in the same boat here, then WE need faith. Faith has to do with what we don't know, and with what we don't see. "What is going to happen next?" I don't know! But I/we who don't have faith, have to CHOOSE faith. At the end of the day, that is where we end up. It is true of everyone, all of us, and them (even Bill Maher :-). So I will choose what? (See where I'm going?) It's not enough (for me at least) to put faith in myself, or "the good" (It's all good, right?), or that things will work out (when is that?). I must choose to put my faith in more. That's my point here. That's what's been stewing in my head today.


Blogger The Ponderer said...

"Faith is the victory that overcomes the world." Good post.

9:24 PM  
Blogger Jim said...

Thanks for reading it through.
It's been a faith stretching/defining period of time for me.

9:41 PM  

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