Monday, October 27, 2008

Lay Offs

They will be coming for a lot of us I'm afraid. I had a friend get a pink slip recently. She was devastated. This has never happened to her in her entire career. She has always been employed and/or recruited to new work. It was a cold, heartless, and calculated process...which is pathetic. Why? Is it the lawyers? Did someone get sued? Can't the former employer offer some help?
My father; now retired, was CEO of a chemical company. The corporation had huge investments in various assets including; land, plants, equipment, office space, transportation, etc. He frequently said the company's most important asset was its people. We still hear that today, right? Well he put his money where his mouth was. There were times when the company was forced to reduce employment. However, it never happened unless it was a last resort; and then, people who were affected got every consideration that could be afforded. They were offered other placements within the company where feasible. Additionally, in every case employees were given employment counseling, and time with recruiters who were to find them new work. In some cases, new employment coincided with the time they ended employment at the chemical company.
My friend was just shown the door...her former employer has lost their way...I pray for her...that at the end of the day she will find she is better off.


Blogger The Ponderer said...

My heart goes to her as well. And though I do not know her name I will mention her to the Father.
I have been victim of 2 layoffs. And unfortunately have had to "announce" to more than I can count because of the WorldCom meltdown and subsequent mergers.
My dad used to tell me the story of Texaco, during the great depression, not laying a single person off. Employees were required to take pay cuts for a period of time to get through the hard times but they made it through together.
Can you imagine that today? Sadly, in the "bottom line is most important" world, I doubt we would ever see this suggested.

10:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sadly, we live in a world where people like Dad are few and far between. All that matters is the direction of the stock and not the people who work for the company. i think (and have experienced) what this mentality does to the people who work for the company. It creates great cynicism, lose of team work, and a lose of loyalty to your employer. Ultimately, the greed hurts the bottom line.

11:30 PM  
Blogger Charles Aldag said...

I am the "Dad" mentioned in Jim and Charlie's remarks. I am honored by their remarks. Yet, my actions were not uncommon in years past. Perhaps, and I pray/hope it will happen, these times of financial stress and layoffs will bring managements to think seriously what they can and should do for their people: counseling, resume prep, relocation assistance, etc. It does not cost nearly as much as many think, and the rewards? Maybe you will want some of these people back someday!! Who is a better hire than someone once in your firm??

10:50 AM  
Blogger Sean Meade said...

i have been laid off twice (in effect) and underemployed for 2+ years. it sucks. neither experience was very good (in terms of how it went down).

most times companies don't really mean it when they say they value their people.

isn't it the case that conservatives say some amount of unemployment is good for the economy?

12:16 PM  
Blogger Jim said...

It's true, dad. PEOPLE ran your company...lawyers, and accountants served the PEOPLE.

Now the world is run by the lawyers, and the cost accountants.

I also like Rob's comment about Texaco...I didn't know that.

7:51 PM  

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