Saturday, September 04, 2010

Growing up.....

"Daddy can I stay out till 2:00? I am with my good friend." she asked.

Me... "2:00?? No."

"Why? I am having a hard day and we want to talk." (Said with a little more attitude.)

"That is too late. Why don't you just ask your mother?" (Who will assuredly say no, w/o discussion.) "I am such a push over." (Now I'm feeling the pressure.)

"Daddy, I am 18!" (Teary sounding.)

"No you can't stay out! Why don't you just come home right now." (Angry? Yes...I am.)

"Daddy, why are you doing this? I am 18 years old. I have never given you reason to worry." (Bulls#@t...I think to myself) "And I am not stupid." (Backing down in tone, but still working me...)


"It's not fair."


"I don't think of you as an 18 year old. I still think of you as my little girl. (Now I sound teary) I am not the first dad who has had trouble letting his daughter grow up. But I'm working on it...ok?"
"I love you daddy."
"And hey, do you have to be in such a hurry?" (To grow up?) I love you too."


"Ok. Not a minute later..."
"Love you daddy, goodnight! Bye!"
