Saturday, February 28, 2009

What do you think?

Thought control...has been on my mind lately. We may look back someday and see that we were the most manipulated generation in history. I remember the first time I learned how advertisers manipulated us into thinking a certain way...even to believe we need something I could easily go without. It was in an English class...but that is beside the point.

The stunning thing is how widespread the mind controllers have become. How can we keep thinking for ourselves? And how can we teach our kids to think for themselves?
It's not only advertisers, and politicians...we now have news casters, musicians, actors, and other entertainers, even employers (mine uses some obvious, and some subtle methods to keep me where they want me to be)...I note it is not always to reach for my greatest potential either, although at other times it is...don't leave out teachers, and preachers (esp. at the mega churches)...are they really encouraging following Christ, or just completing some personal agenda? (I know, I know...personal agenda has a place at times...fine...but what if it gets to be the main thing? (City of Faith))

How would one discern that? We can! We should!
Check I Thes. 5:21 (one of my favorites).

I tell my kids to apply the smell test...does this claim really make sense? How do the claims (even if eloquently stated) stack up to what you know is true?
People who want to tell you what to think will deal in generalities, (and associate them with greed, ambition, adventure, and fear)...but what are the specifics? Do they stack up? I heard some talking head the other day say the new Obama budget was "risky, and radical"...ok, maybe so, (I haven't read it...I wonder if they had) but why do they say this (specifically)? And can they back up those specifics? What is particularly insidious is whenever ideas, are associated with money, and power; which is often. I think the health care debate is really about money and power, and we all get fed a lot of BS while nothing improves.

So, if you haven't stopped reading this ramble, thanks...since I've been thinking about it I thought I'd stick it in my blog...I wonder if I can get my kids to read it? jk...I won't do that...maybe... :-)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Obama's First Month

I hear so much complaining! Yikes!! You would think our new President is a buffoon listening to some people. There must be a certain complain about politicians, just for the sake of complaining. Let's call it the "Rush Limbaugh Syndrome". HAHA...joke there...

However, when I look at Obama's first month in office, I am impressed overall! Perfect? No... Is he new to the job? Yes...


What exactly has he done?

First, he has most his cabinet up, and functioning (and finally paying taxes!) :-) Hey it's not Obama's fault, (or character flaw) that some of these guys did not pay taxes, he didn't know, and he took the blame for not knowing before nominating them...frankly I was surprised some of them got confirmed...However....
That said, overall, I'm happy to see a largely functioning cabinet this early in the game. Some past Presidents have taken months to do this.

Second, executive orders to close Guantanamo, and end torcher. That has been a scar on this country, and what went on there, the concept of sending people where they had no laws should concern us all. After all, who might be next? I know it will be tough, but the ball is rolling. Good!...note, I still think terrorists should be tried...fairly...not just turned loose....and I know it is a complicated situation...

Third, economic stimulus!! Woo Hoo!! We have to do this...and no matter what, it will be sloppy...I am in's the deal...remember we have GDP made up of several contributing factors...consumer, industry, service, government, etc. If one dries up significantly another can fill the gap (if only partially). We have consumers hunkered down, and government is filing the does not have to end in an unpleasant way (but it still might, I know). However, for now, this is the right thing to do. Done! In the first month! Remarkable!

Next,(isn't all this impressive, when you think about it?) health care, you may not agree with me, but the solution to the train wreck we have in health care will have to be a government solution. We are the only industrialized nation in the world not to have some kind of health care safety net. You and I should not have to worry about health care if we loose our job...or get sick! True story...I have a friend who's mother was diagnosed with MS...her insurance company's response? They canceled her policy!...does that suck or what!? Obama has issued directives, and asked for money to be set aside in the budget to deal with the problem.
Government will have to run this. And I'm sure I'm right about that... :-) ... yes...

Next, environmental concerns...President Obama has aggressively signed into law tax incentives, and other incentives to generate new technology which is intended to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, and deal with greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, (I read) he has done more to further this cause in a month than the previous administration did in eight years.

Last, he has demonstrated a genuine concern for the problems in the middle east (Obama's fist interview took place on Arabian television). And our Secretary of State has already visited China (like it or not, China and the US are inseparably linked)...That is a whole other post.

So, there you go...I'm pretty impressed so far!
I have some criticism as well. But I'll save it..
I don't want end this with a complaint!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Any ideas...?

Remember last year when the price of everything went up because oil/gas prices were so high? Well now that oil/gas prices are at about a third of their previous level, why do prices remain high, and continue higher?

Hint: It's not inflation.

Joe Satriani-Surfing With The Alien

Amazing.......nuf said..........

Friday, February 06, 2009

Big Bad Ass Government

Take a look at Rep. Claire McCaskil on CNBC for an excellent object lesson of the problem of big government. I'll try to find the video...when you see it, you'll have no doubt she is thoroughly enjoying her 15 minutes of fame. She and a couple other congressmen are proposing a bill to limit executive pay at companies who took TARP funds. I know, I know...Obama is with them...(boo).

If government gets involved with "fixing things" they tend to throw their unlimited weight around...These guys are clueless on the subject they are addressing...which is compensation levels in capitalist markets.
Hey, I think Lawyers make too much. Maybe there should be a law.

This is price fixing pure and simple. We will loose talent. I already saw one European bank CEO say the top talent should just come work for foreign banks. Some form of that will occur. The government tends to do this kind of thing whenever they involve themselves. It is a result, partially of ignorance, and partially of ego. Politics is a huge ego trip. And to get on TV suggesting something popular (even if unwise) is a bigger ego trip...

On the bright side, this ends TARP. I saw Ken Lewis (CEO Bank of America) on CNBC today say he would not take any more TARP...(note the TARP he is in got crammed down his throat, he did not want it), and that his bank would pay down the TARP they had in 2-3 years. Way to go! I applaud him for this...really.

OK, one more thing here...executive pay does seem extreme to me...but it is a function of markets, and director boards to correct it, not Claire much does she make anyhow, (including PACs)? :-)