Tuesday, July 31, 2007


I took my youngest in an Apple store the other day. We were checking out the new I-Phone. Very, very cool. When we left I said "It lives up to the hype, huh?". He said, "No, it's better then that!". Funny kid.

But I learned something today about the I-Phone. Get this...It has a one year battery which can only be changed by Apple. You have to send the phone into Apple and get this done for about $80 plus shipping...every year! Ouch!! So, that's the gotcha on the I-Phone...a pretty big one too.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

I'd call it by another Title, but who cares? I finished the book today. It is a fun read. Action, a good paced plot (save possibly the first few chapters), interesting characters, and a very well done finish. This is the only HP I've read. I may read some others even thought I already know the end of the saga, just because I like how the author (J.K. Rowling) represents her alternative universe. As a Christian I believe in such a reality, although not this specific one. Probably my view would be closer (only closer, not exactly) to say Frank Peretti's unseen universe in his novels.
Anyhow, I liked the book. Get it, it's on sale at like 50% off everywhere. You don't even have to wait for the paperback at that price, and have a fun read!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

About that post.....

Well Sean, I hoped I would get to that post before you, or anyone else saw it. I was just being a big baby last night! Luke and I have had a good weekend. No, we didn't do much together, but he is ready for his show tonight, and I got to REALLY chill out. Man I think I needed some rest! I won't even tell you how long I slept in this weekend. It was like a teenager! You know, the truth is parenting teens for me has been the best part. It's not so hands on. They deal with more adult type issues. They start to see how choices matter. They are seriously considering spiritual things. So, I deleted that post. Thanks for the empathy in any case. I hope you have had a good weekend as well....
Anyone else reading this...I think you get the picture...

Saturday, July 21, 2007


Another letter idea...

Friday, July 20, 2007

Family Camp

Every year our whole extended family (Sydney's side) goes to a lake in Arkansas to camp. It's great. This year; however, Luke has a show to do, so I am staying home with him. I thought..."Well, I'll get some quality time with Luke"...it'll be fine. I said "Hey, lets go to a movie!". He said...well, "there is this girl...and..." (you know the rest). So I said. "Great, she can go with us!" HAHAHAHAHAHA. I laughed and laughed...(he didn't, but he smiled.)

Saturday, July 14, 2007

CNN Gets Blitzed by Michael Moore

This is the same video UTube took off earlier this week. Check it out! Kick ass Mike! Thanks!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Join the Movement!!!

Let's hope there is support for us all getting the same health care our elected officials receive...sound fair?

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Write your congressman

You know, our personal prosperity is a mirage. We are all one job loss, combined with a serious illness, or injury (they could even be related, or connected) from bankruptcy. In my profession, I have seen it. It destroys people. They are hounded by collection agencies, and lawyers night and day for money they don't have, or had no idea they were responsible to pay. We are the only industrialized nation in the world who has a health system run this way. Why? Big, very big, money. The health insurers fleece us and we think it's just peachy. In my experience the only people who like are current system are not sick. To you, I say..."Just wait." (And I hate that phrase.) Write or email your congressman; right now, and tell them you will not vote for them unless they support a real national health care policy...period.

Moore vs Blitzer

Kick Ass Mike!...We all have to fight these bastards, and the money that backs them.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

I finally tried an IPhone. What a cool gadget. Lives up to the hype! It's just too expensive. If Apple is true to form the price will NOT come down, either. I guess they just want the high end cell user....not me.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Truth about islam from an ex-muslim lady

Very interesting!!