Saturday, November 20, 2010

I love to paint....What do business consultants do anyway...and a new member to the family.

I love to paint!!!
That's what I said a month ago when we started painting the entry way. I still love to paint, but I'm tired of it. We want to get finished before Thanksgiving weekend. In other words, we hope to finish tomorrow...we're close.

I wanted to lighten up the space...however, Sydney loves we compromised. The walls are off white (me), and the ceiling is.......ready for this? Brown...!

I panicked when she announced this idea. However, it really looks good! So I'm happy we are nearly done. It will look nice.

I hired a business consultant at the end of 08 ((during the ongoing...(notice that? "ongoing"? don't forget it) credit crunch)).
There was so much BS being disseminated that I needed help filtering out the truth. I know this consultant, as he as worked for me in the past. He is expensive, but worth the money. He helped me navigate a very tough time (08 til now). Lately though, his advice is getting repetitive and he has gotten rather negative and grumpy (don't get me wrong, I can't talk, I'm grumpy at times too, but not to people paying me to help them!) I decided to stop the relationship (it was that bad). Then the guy kind of freaked out...maybe there are other problems...IDK...I'll send an email and ask.

Cooper was born...!
He is my Great Nephew number three. He was 10 lbs 3 oz...a very big boy especially considering his mom is 5'1 and tiny...Yes, it was a C had to be. You know it dawned on me that 100 yrs ago this mom, my niece, would not have survived the delivery. So I am thankful for medical progress for sure.

A birth is a big deal.
I went to see them a few times while they were in the hospital. So did others on my niece's side of the family. But get this, on the dad's side...NO ONE showed...NO ONE. He was crushed. I would be too...they are ass holes (sorry, I wont soften is cruel to do that). There was no reason for this but selfishness. He is a good guy and they all get along fine. It is so important to take time for other important.

So, that's it...except...
The Buckeyes sneaked by Iowa today...Woo!

Thanksgiving is next week. I am planning (I'm always planning, huh... :-) to tell people how I am thankful for them personally (family, friends, clients, others I see day to day)...It won't be perfect cause I'll keep forgetting to do it...Unless, Hmmm...A memory hook...? Like a string tied on my finger (no, too cheesy) or keep a token in my pocket (better)...I'll think of something.

And by the way, THANKS for reading my silly blog...

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Hey Conservatives...!

Yesterday Republicans won a majority in Congress, and considerably more seats in the Senate. These were, in some cases won by extremely conservative politicians. This victory was achieved with a strategy of opposing anything proposed by the current administration, and brilliant use of the media. It has been such an effective strategy that the Republicans intend to continue it. They have said they will not compromise on any issue going forward. Mitch McConnell said the number one objective of the Republican party the next two years is to see that Obama is a one term president. So in a sense, the Republican platform is simply to acquire ideas, no proposals, just acquire power. And if the response the Democrats have made to this so far does not change, the strategy will work. In two years (2012) the Republicans will have control of both houses, and the presidency. Goal achieved...However, what will they do with that power? No one knows what things will be like two years from now, so maybe a better question is what would they have done with that power if they had it the last two years? I have heard many conservatives say they would have liked to see GM, and Chrysler go bankrupt, and the same for most banks in this country. (ie no bailouts). They would not have agreed to a government economic stimulus save some tax incentives (if that) as I understand it. And I suppose we would have built a 20 foot wall across the Mexican border, and stepped up military operations around the world.

My question is, if those things had occurred, what do you think our country would look like? Does our place in the world community look better in that scenario? Does our international reputation even matter? How about your personal situation...what would that look like? Better? I'm curious, do you conservative friends of mine think we would be past our current problems? Or not?

Let me know, but I must say if I get comments that are demeaning to me personally, or demeaning to any group of people for that matter, I'll delete them. (I have not been demeaning here...I'm not even picking a fight...I'm not...really.)
