Saturday, December 19, 2009

Do over....!

Sometimes don't you wish life had a "do over" function? You get to go through the same day/situation/decision again, and do better. I'll bet the democratic leadership wishes they could do over the health care reform process. What they plan to vote on looks pretty watered down to me.

Remember when Pres. Obama said a government plan was not essential in a bill? I said, and still maintain, that it was over right then. There will be no government run health plan, and no meaningful reform...we can't even have a public option. Why can't I even have a public "option"? Because it hurts the insurance companies, I know...we can't have that...they struggle so much...(sarcasm). The bill will just be a big grab for the insurance companies now. Of course, not until we suffer through endless political posturing.

All this while I pay out the nose because I had a kid break a leg, and I got sick, both in the same month. I'm at $700 out of pocket costs and counting. We still haven't heard from the bone specialist (translation, "high dollar consultation"). "Consultation", because he didn't actually do anything...the bone was set. We just had to go see him twice (so far) to be sure the bone was healing properly...which I gladly did...I'm just saying I haven't seen the bill. I imagine I will pay out of pocket expenses of $1000-$1500 before it's over. Merry Christmas...(more sarcasm...that's all though).

When will the USA join the rest of the developed, industrialized world and adopt a singe payer plan? Only after a full blown health care crisis...unfortunately.

Personally, I wish I could do over last night! My step nephew got married. And, for bad reasons I decided we would leave before the reception was over. In a do over I would have stayed. I think I might also have muscled in on some of the family activities. We were excluded, but now I'm told we were supposed to know to participate (how?)...I want a do over!

I can think of all kinds of applications for a "do over". Not like "Ground Hog Day" where Bill Murray had no choice but to do it over till he got things right...We would like to control the function, thank I'll add it to my wish list... :-)


Anonymous Charlie III said...

Unfortunately, there will be no real reform as long as people believe fear-mongering (which has worked for the last 70 years). In spite of socialized medicine I receive, my broken leg healed (total cost about $40), I got a H1N1 vaccination (free of charge), and I get my teeth cleaned (for $5). Amazing I am still alive after all this terrible socialized medicine! :-)

11:36 PM  
Blogger Jim said...

I spoke to someone today who said it's a lie that all Americans don't get health care...cause if they have no ins, the emergency rooms treat them...ARGH!
That is the kind of nonsense that goes around. We are addressing other issues medical bills being the number one cause of bankruptcy...paying more and getting less than any other industrialized nation in the world...all that...and no one wants to sit in an emergency room for health care (unless it's an emergency)...oh well it doesn't's over, and the insurance industry ended up getting a law passed that requires us to buy from I get that for my business? Everyone has to invest for retirement by law or they are penalized?
And there no government option for those who don't want to do business with them. And they left all the other crap the same. For instance by the same law, I still buy maternity ins...I DON"T NEED IT ANYMORE! (it raises my premium, and gives free money to the ins company) But it's the law. And there is no bargaining state line price issues addressed...nada...
Charlie...did I say this would happen? Yup, after they threw the towel in on the government plan...after that it's been simple political pains me, really...we need to improve the the end of the day it's not the ins companies...they just followed the law and looked out for themselves...It's the politicians...really that need to go...are they corrupt? incompetent? or both? I agree with Howard Dean...he said this was a bad bill...they might have expanded medicare or something like might have worked.

8:54 PM  
Anonymous Charlie III said...

Truly unbelievable - how this will control costs I don't know. Well we will see how it all pans out. The republicans plan to repeal it when they get back in power - which they will. - then we can go back to things getting even worse - very sad.

3:26 AM  
Blogger Jim said...

Np, I'll just start going by the emergency room for care...

6:11 PM  

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