Monday, January 19, 2009

Miracle on the Hudson

I spoke to a pilot friend of mine about the water landing last week. He said that was absolutely a miracle; and that, no offense to the pilot (who did a fantastic job!), he would not have been able to do it on another day. Under normal circumstances he would have shredded the wings and/or cart wheeled the plane across the water. He would have hoped to save a few, if he was lucky. My friend reminded me, and anyone who has ever flown can understand this; when you come in for a landing they are fighting turbulence, thermals, and cross winds. If you pay attention you will note the pilots flipping stabilizers on and off, changing speed, and generally trying to keep the aircraft "straight and level". It is the trickiest part of flying. So kudos to that pilot; he is an ace, but this really was a miracle!

Friday, January 16, 2009

RU Fireproof ?

My parents are here, and we thought we would to go to a movie. It's nearly impossible to find one I can take them to! I mean one in which there is not some element of rudeness, language, sex, potty (or otherwise embarrassing) humor, or a combination of these. It's not that they're prudes, it's just that they are my parents! My mom said she heard "Fireproof" was good. I said, "let's go!" since it would not be my choice if the movie had any of the ingredients I mentioned here... :-) Yeah, I know...

I had not heard of this movie. It's low budget for sure. The subject matter is marriage, from a Christian point of view. The film does a great job of expounding the Christian mind set, and relational methods that build a solid marriage (or saves one). It was also a tear jerker...and I'm getting to be such a baby...jeez.
Max went with us (age 14), and I'm glad because he will probably remember this stuff, and will hopefully put it into practice. I think I'll take my older kids back to see it later...I may have to coerce them; however, I think it would be worth it because the material was really well presented. They would come away with something that might really help them someday.
Anyhow, I recommend the flick.