Sunday, February 25, 2007

Why I like Hillary

I first started paying attention to Hillary Clinton because of what you might consider a character issue. I want to put the account on my blog. However, since then she has proven herself an effective Senator. She has seriously attacked the disaster we call our health care system (IE. she has guts). And she has been in the White House. At this time in our country's history we need leaders who "get it", who have "been there"...
So, back to the character issue. Hillary was giving an interview after her husband was caught cheating on her to a conservative journalist (don't remember the name). This interviewer got right to the subject at hand. He asked if she was going to divorce Bill. She replied "no". The journalist started trying to corner her. "What about adultery! What about infidelity?" he said. She snapped back "What about forgiveness?!"
I thought to myself, "Wow, what side of this conversation would Jesus support?" Hillary's, I, I'm sure...check out the story of the woman caught in adultery. She demonstrated strength of character there, an important leadership trait. I don't know who I'll vote for next year for president; however, Hillary Clinton has my attention.


Blogger Sean Meade said...

i'm *totally* not one of the Hillary Haters.

OTOH, i think she's got too much baggage, too much resistance to being CIC, and is too left to capture the middle.

8:41 PM  

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