Friday, September 04, 2009

Around the world health care...

I found this on my brother Charlies FB page...


Anonymous CharlieIII said...

I wish people would understand that if they lose their job, they lose their insurance. And you affording insurance or being offered insurance is dependent on the whim of your employer offering it or not. One of the biggest reasons for bankruptcy in the US is because of medical bills. I don't understand why that is such a great system.

5:31 AM  
Blogger sameasthem said...

I'm convinced the public has been sold a bill of goods...the fears sound irrational. I have people shouting ME down, saying I want America to be Europe, and that I should move there...All I want is my health costs to get under control, and to not loose my insurance if I change jobs. For me, and many others a whole family would be affected if that occurred. I'm like anyone else, I don't want some crap, oppressive bill...absolutely not...But people who think what we have is fine, and who disagree with me should stop acting so disrespectful. My opinion matters little in the big scheme of things anyhow. I'm just praying for reform that reduces costs and makes health care more secure. I think we all should.

8:15 PM  
Blogger Jim said...

My sister-in-law...the latest uninsured...this should not happen.

10:41 PM  
Blogger Jim said...

On bankruptcy...if Luke is not a full time student he will have no health care coverage. So what do we do? If he is my dependent, it's just like our whole family not having coverage...We would be on the hook for any, know things would work out, and God would be faithful, but my point's wrong.

7:58 PM  

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