Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas...

When I reflect on what occurred 2000 years ago in a barn, located in a middle eastern hick town I am always awestruck...always, always. Some people play the event down, others are threatened by it. Not me. God took on human flesh. What?! Incredible. I know people who just can't believe it...God? Became a man? A girl, having never had sex, gave birth to this divine child? Come on...
I can understand not being able to get your head around that for sure. This is too much, really. Right?

But if you read between the lines a pattern emerges. This event is grounded in history, space and time. There were eye witnesses to the event who recorded it. I know archeologists argue about the evidence, or lack of it (it depends, sometimes they find good evidence, other times they find problems); however, archeologists argue about everything. Fact is, there are accounts in the historical record that something big occurred that night. One can argue the event changed history. (I know there is a politically motivated movement to change the terms, but it remains...the event changed history)...Then eventually the movement that resulted overtook an empire (Rome), and spread all over the world.

Stunning...absolutely amazing, no matter what your worldview. And the bottom line? This was/is excellent news. This is a fantastic deal for everyone, everywhere in every situation and circumstance. I know some imply the opposite...that it's bad news...some Christians even say it's bad news (in so many words). But God didn't say that. He said this is great news, and a super deal...God took on

So that's what I think of when I reflect on what occurred in a barn, in that middle eastern hick town...2000 yrs ago.
Merry Christmas...!


Blogger Jim said...

My mom liked this...
Love you, mom.

10:40 PM  

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