Sunday, January 17, 2010

Is Cleanliness Next to Godliness?? And the Healthcare Bill....

It's Martin Luther King I get Monday off. I plan to help my niece move...maybe, that is. I'm assuming she'll still do the move this weekend. Today her dog got hit by a car, and they had it's leg amputated. Then her daughter (age 7) came down with the flu. I feel for her.

I am praying for, and plan to direct my giving to the efforts in Haiti. That must be a living hell. There is no real rule of law. The situation could turn impossible without God's intervention.

Pat Robertson's comments were totally out of line. He is an example of a Christian leader with no accountability. It's sad...
God will judge the world...we know that. Sin is sin...we know that. To single out this failed society, and connect the failure to a 200 year old event, (which as far as I know isn't even documented very well, if at all) and then condemn them is offensive.

My little sheltered corner of the world (for now) has been pretty good. We got a lot done around the house today. (ie cleaning, shopping...) I'm getting along with my daughter after a good (although brief) it's my oldest closing off...Ugh...
I've had some good workouts...The football games ended to my satisfaction, which really just means Minnesota won...that's who I'm pulling for this year...(Sean, woo!)

I got to visit and catch up with a friend Friday night. Brian and I went to the same church a number of years ago. We both love wine, and used to get together with a group and drink the stuff semi regularly. (Sean set up the wine tastings...thanks for that buddy :-)
So we got together and had some wine and good conversation.

Brian lives in a beautiful home on a hill with beautiful views of the is is the cleanest place I have been in a very long time. Afterwords, I came home to my dirty house and announced we had to fix things up. I explained to Sydney how I would be embarrassed to have them over (Yes...I already invited them over for next visit...but I think we're going out :-).

The truth is, we painted and decorated every room in the house about 5-9 years ago, and it's time to get after it again. We have holes in walls (thanks Max). The wood floors are worn out (2 Great Danes). And the carpeting...don't ask. Hey, you have to live somewhere! Right!?! Yes, I am making excuses... :-)

The only problem is the budget. We have one kid, and will soon have two kids in college. Eventually we'll have three in college. I also will have three teenage drivers with in 6 months...Hmmm...So, paying for home improvement on top of all that?
Hey, painted concrete floors are in style...!

So is cleanliness next to Godliness? Hmmm...Only on a ritualistic my opinion. :-) What do you think...?
Anyhow, we have some work to do around here.

OK, if I lived in Massachusetts, I would vote for the Republican, Scott Brown just to kill the health bill in the Senate. They accomplished nothing with this bill as far as I can tell...Except I won't be denied coverage. Of course, I may not be able to afford the cost! But I wont be denied...which is is making it a legal obligation for me to buy insurance....and they estimate with this bill my health costs will probably go UP...the whole process looks corrupt frankly.


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